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Any Second Now!

(2.10.11 – 12:50 AM CST)

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and here’s two more Giantess Woman Videos you’ve never seen in celebration of this gigantic Dogmeat milestone!

Genya Rasskazova

Nueva cabecera de Solo que hicisteis Alta Calidad

open letter to Dogmeat Readers and things:

i just pasted up what i was reading while i wait for the 3 Million view bell…

  • …while i’m on the subjectss of css, i have to say that it is totally inexcusable for Posterous to be the only hosted blog i’ve found who doesn’t support any modern css–I MEAN, THAT’S ON TOP OF THE JAVASCRIPT that they ALREADY DON’T SUPPORT…not to mention the Facebook integration which they BARELY support. You see that Facebook Login iFrame on top of this blog’s homepage–which you should click–it doesn’t ask for any info…THAT TOOK ME ALMOST A YEAR TO GET DONE…and believe me, THERE WASN’T ONE BIT OF INPUT FROM THE POSTEROUSES…OTHER THAN THE ol’ ‘We don’t currently support FB integration…etc!)
  • I guess they thought the Like button was good enough for free.





  • but forget negativity, I’d like



    thank Mer from via FB for sending in droves some of the most referral traffic this blog or any of its subsidiary blogs has ever had.

and on that note

just thanks,



Ah, the appeal of curves and other flowing shapes. They have their place in the heart of just about any visual designer, but when it comes to text flows on the Web, everything’s been on the straight and boring, thanks to table cells, element boxes, and all that other stuff. Until now, anyway. Yes, the text is flowing along with the curve– not perfectly in step, I admit, but pretty close. And you thought Web design was all about straight lines and boxes. By the way, this demo should work in IE5/Mac, IE5.x/Windows or later, Netscape 6.2, and Opera 5.x. I expect it works in Konqueror as well, but being Linuxless I can’t verify that personally.

Should you want to see a variant on this effect that uses straight-line slants and no images, but isn’t quite so widely supported by Web browsers, then you’re in the mood for something slantastic. But if you’re curious about the curvy effect demonstrated here– then read on, Macduff!

Gently Floating…

All I did to make this happen was create a 200×200 image of a curve. Then I sliced it up into ten strata, each one 20 pixels tall and only as wide as necessary to show the curve without any clipping. Here are three of those images in row, this time with borders around them so we can clearly see their dimensions:

Stack all ten strata together (without the borders, of course) and we get the same curve I started with. But float those ten strata so that they stack up, and text can flow around them, and their decreasing width allows the text to roughly follow the curve. Thus:

img.curve {float: left; clear: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;}

The margin helps keep the text away from the curve; the greater the margin value, the further away text will be pushed from the curve.

Something to note is the h1 element at the top of the page (it contains the word “curvelicious”). The background and border are sliding under the floated images. It’s supposed to do that. If your browser can do so, try “text zooming” the font up or down, your choice. The curve will remain constant, but watch the text slide up along the curve. It’s nifty.

Taking it Further

Of course, the original image could have been sliced up into five strata, or twenty, or even 200– assuming you wanted to force the user to download that many images. On the other hand, you could try a variant on single-pixel sizing where every row of pixels is the same stretched one-pixel image, exactly the right size to make up part of the curve, and every one floated. Although you save on downloads (only one image gets used) it’s a pretty excessive approach from a markup standpoint, and don’t blame me if you try it and your browser crashes, but it would work. You could even write a small Javascript to produce the required strata for you, thus keeping page weight down and letting the script automatically calculate the necessary width of each row.

2,990,285 Any Second Now! (2.10.11 – 12:50 AM CST)

81 subscribers // 8,984 posts // 2,990,285 site views // 6 contributors

From MozillaWiki


Hi, I’m Tantek Çelik and my home page is

I’ve been working on and advocating open web standards since 1998, in particular in the W3C CSS and HTML working groups, and have most recently written and published an HTML5 tutorial video/book:

I’ve also recently given several presentations on HTML5.

I am a contributor to HTML5, and encourage the web authoring/design/development community to add to the WHATWG Wiki and send feedback to the WHATWG list.

Hi, I’m Tantek Çelik, and you’ve found my list of projects that I’m working on with Mozilla.

I’m currently (as of 2010-146) a Mozilla contractor working with Chris Blizzard and the web standards team, focused on specification work, especially around web applications user interfaces and social/identity open web technologies. I participate in standards related events for both official organizations like W3C, and grass-roots efforts like microformats and ActivityStreams. If you have feedback for these groups, let me know!

Specifications, efforts and summary status:

  • CSS
    • CSS Style Attributes: Achieved Candidate Recommendation (CR). Possible next steps, test cases/suite to help exit CR.
    • CSS3 Color: Achieved Proposed Recommendation (PR). Awaiting CSS 2.1 to reach PR.
    • CSS3 UI: editing CR toward producing a new LCWD.
    • CSS UI Layout: Flex Box and Grid: Discussing differences and use cases with dbaron, and how to best design/define both for the benefit of web designers.
    • CSS3 Element: decide which draft to get it into (separate draft, Values and Units) and update draft accordingly.
    • CSS4 UI: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
    • CSS4 Color: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
  • HTML5:
    • follow-up on rejected/accepted spec improvement suggestions, figuring out next-steps for anything rejected
    • figure auto-close p issue. awaiting feedback from HTML5 Superfriends… then blog or email public-html about it.
  • DOM API vendor prefixing: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example.
  • vCard4: waiting-for responses to feedback on draft 15 to vcarddav group, updated draft (16?) with at least some of my requested changes being accepted.


Facebook Static FBML: Setting Up Your External CSS Stylesheet & Image Hosting with Google Sites

The recent problems with Internet Explorer 8 not rendering CSS styles when inlined on Static FBML tabs using the … tags has underscored the importance of using an external stylesheet – a separate text file with the extension “.css” that contains all your CSS style rules – to apply CSS to your tabs.

Those fan page owners who aren’t comfortable creating and uploading files to a Web server have been particularly hit by this IE 8 problem, and unfortunately IE 8 is currently a very popular browser.

Google Sites for Hosting your Images and your CSS Stylesheet

I decided to find the easiest and cheapest solution possible for external hosting of CSS files and images – and that solution is Google Sites, a Web service Google offers that allows the creation of websites, including the creation of directories and the uploading of HTML and CSS files, images and other file types.

Although Google Sites was originally intended for creating websites, I’ll show you how to use it as a free and easy service for hosting your stylesheets, images and other file types.

First, Create your External Stylesheet

I’m not going to go into the specifics of creating CSS styles. The W3 Schools is a good place to start, if you need the basics.

Your external CSS stylesheet should:

  • Be created in a plain-text editor such as Windows Notepad or Mac TextEdit. There is a great free text editor for Macs called TextWrangler, by the makers of BBEdit which is one of the most popular text editors for those working on Macs.
  • Contain ONLY your CSS styles – DO NOT put the styles between … tags! Your HTML and FBML will go in the “FBML” box (see below);
  • Have a file name with NO spaces and have the suffix “.css” – example: mystylesheet.css. NOTE: When referencing your stylesheet file, be aware that directory and file names are CASE SENSITIVE.

Reference Your External CSS Stylesheet from the FBML box

When putting your HTML/FBML content into the Static FBML box:

you want to insert, before the HTML, the reference to the external stylesheet, indicating its URL in the proper format:

The “?v=10.0” is for Facebook only. Facebook creates a copy of your stylesheet on its servers and that’s what it uses for your tab. In order to force Facebook to refresh its cached version of your stylesheet with the latest version, you need to increment the “?v=10.0” each time you make a change to your stylesheet, by changing, for example ?v=10.0 to ?v=10.1 … 10.9, 11.0, etc. and then re-saving the Static FBML.

OK, you have your stylesheet – Now you need to host it somewhere!

If you don’t have a Webmaster who can upload your CSS stylesheet to a Web server and provide you with the URL to the file, then you’ll need to find a service that will host your external CSS file.

After researching this, it became apparent that Google Sites was the perfect option for external file hosting. The service is free – you just need to set up a Google account or add “Sites” to your existing account.

Setting Up Google Sites and Adding your Files

Log in to your Google account.

Click “Settings” in the top-right corner of your browser. You will see the Google services you have in your account. After the list of active services you’ll see:
Google Sites Add

If you don’t see “Sites” under “Try something new,” click the “More” link and, on the next screen you should see in the list:

Click on “Sites” and you’ll then be redirected to the landing page for your new Google Sites account:

Click “Create new site” and, on the next screen, fill in the “Name your site” field with a short descriptive name (NO SPACES). Below that you’ll see the URL for your new site. Write this down as this will be the URL you use for your stylesheet and any images, or any other file types, you upload.

Fill in the CAPTCHA characters and click “Create site”:

With “Home” highlighted in the left column, click “Create page” in the top right:

You’re going to want to create a directory for your files, so select the “File Cabinet” icon and enter a name for the directory (“facebook” is a good choice) and, again, NO spaces in that name (Google won’t let you create spaces anyway):

Then click the “Create Page” button (I recommend selecting “Put page at the top level”).

Next, click the “Add file” button:

Use the “Browse” button to locate on your computer the CSS stylesheet file you created, double-click the CSS file to upload it, and, if you want, add a “File description” which is shown in your list of files for easy identification. DON’T enter anything in “Text to display”:

Then click “Upload”.

You will then see your CSS file listed:

Copy your external CSS stylesheet URL to your Static FBML box

The URL to your stylesheet is what is in your browser’s address bar (at the top):

In the example, the URL is:

NOTE: DO NOT USE “https://” if that is the URL Google Sites creates. When you reference the Google-Sites-hosted stylesheet from your FBML box with the tag, CHANGE “https://” to “http://”. Otherwise, it won’t work.

Your URL will (unless Google changes something in the future) the same up the “/site/” but then will be your site’s name and the directory you created.

Just paste your stylesheet URL into your Static FBML box:

NOTE: Directory and file names are CASE SENSITIVE!

Hosting your images on Google Sites

Facebook requires that you host your images used in your Static FBML tabs on a Web server. In the past, we have recommended Photobucket’s image-hosting service but, for the purposes of hosting images and other files for your Facebook Fan Page, I think Google Sites is the better option. Photobucket has a limit on how many times your hosted images get “called” from their servers, where I don’t believe Google Sites has this limitation.

And if you’re already hosting your external stylesheet on Google Sites, it makes sense to host the images there, as well.



Centering: Auto-width Margins

This box is horizontally centered by setting its right and left margin widths to “auto”. This is the preferred way to accomplish horizontal centering with CSS, and works very well in most browsers with CSS2 support. Unfortunately, IE5/Win does not respond to this method – a shortcoming of that browser, not the technique.

There is a simple workaround. (A pause while you fight back the nausea induced by that word.) Ready? IE5/Win incorrectly applies the CSS “text-align” attribute to block-level elements. Declaring “text-align:center” for the containing block-level element (often the BODY element) horizontally centers the box in IE5/Win. There is a side effect of this workaround: the CSS “text-align” attribute is inherited, centering inline content. It is often necessary to explicitly set the “text-align” attribute for the centered box, counteracting the effects of the IE5/Win workaround. The relevant CSS follows.

Facebook Static FBML: Setting Up Your External CSS Stylesheet & Image Hosting with Google Sites

The recent problems with Internet Explorer 8 not rendering CSS styles when inlined on Static FBML tabs using the <style>…</style> tags has underscored the importance of using an external stylesheet – a separate text file with the extension “.css” that contains all your CSS style rules – to apply CSS to your tabs.

Those fan page owners who aren’t comfortable creating and uploading files to a Web server have been particularly hit by this IE 8 problem, and unfortunately IE 8 is currently a very popular browser.

Google Sites for Hosting your Images and your CSS Stylesheet

I decided to find the easiest and cheapest solution possible for external hosting of CSS files and images – and that solution is Google Sites, a Web service Google offers that allows the creation of websites, including the creation of directories and the uploading of HTML and CSS files, images and other file types.

Although Google Sites was originally intended for creating websites, I’ll show you how to use it as a free and easy service for hosting your stylesheets, images and other file types.

First, Create your External Stylesheet

I’m not going to go into the specifics of creating CSS styles. The W3 Schools is a good place to start, if you need the basics.

Your external CSS stylesheet should:

  • Be created in a plain-text editor such as Windows Notepad or Mac TextEdit. There is a great free text editor for Macs called TextWrangler, by the makers of BBEdit which is one of the most popular text editors for those working on Macs.
  • Contain ONLY your CSS styles – DO NOT put the styles between <style> … </style> tags! Your HTML and FBML will go in the “FBML” box (see below);
  • Have a file name with NO spaces and have the suffix “.css” – example: mystylesheet.css. NOTE: When referencing your stylesheet file, be aware that directory and file names are CASE SENSITIVE.

Reference Your External CSS Stylesheet from the FBML box

When putting your HTML/FBML content into the Static FBML box:

you want to insert, before the HTML, the reference to the external stylesheet, indicating its URL in the proper format:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="FULL URL TO YOUR STYLE SHEET/mystylesheet.css?v=10.0" />

The “?v=10.0” is for Facebook only. Facebook creates a copy of your stylesheet on its servers and that’s what it uses for your tab. In order to force Facebook to refresh its cached version of your stylesheet with the latest version, you need to increment the “?v=10.0” each time you make a change to your stylesheet, by changing, for example ?v=10.0 to ?v=10.1 … 10.9, 11.0, etc. and then re-saving the Static FBML.

OK, you have your stylesheet – Now you need to host it somewhere!

If you don’t have a Webmaster who can upload your CSS stylesheet to a Web server and provide you with the URL to the file, then you’ll need to find a service that will host your external CSS file.

After researching this, it became apparent that Google Sites was the perfect option for external file hosting. The service is free – you just need to set up a Google account or add “Sites” to your existing account.

Setting Up Google Sites and Adding your Files

Log in to your Google account.

Google Sites Add

Click “Settings” in the top-right corner of your browser. You will see the Google services you have in your account. After the list of active services you’ll see:

If you don’t see “Sites” under “Try something new,” click the “More” link and, on the next screen you should see in the list:

Click on “Sites” and you’ll then be redirected to the landing page for your new Google Sites account:

Click “Create new site” and, on the next screen, fill in the “Name your site” field with a short descriptive name (NO SPACES). Below that you’ll see the URL for your new site. Write this down as this will be the URL you use for your stylesheet and any images, or any other file types, you upload.

Fill in the CAPTCHA characters and click “Create site”:

With “Home” highlighted in the left column, click “Create page” in the top right:

You’re going to want to create a directory for your files, so select the “File Cabinet” icon and enter a name for the directory (“facebook” is a good choice) and, again, NO spaces in that name (Google won’t let you create spaces anyway):

Then click the “Create Page” button (I recommend selecting “Put page at the top level”).

Next, click the “Add file” button:

Use the “Browse” button to locate on your computer the CSS stylesheet file you created, double-click the CSS file to upload it, and, if you want, add a “File description” which is shown in your list of files for easy identification. DON’T enter anything in “Text to display”:

Then click “Upload”.

You will then see your CSS file listed:

Copy your external CSS stylesheet URL to your Static FBML box

The URL to your stylesheet is what is in your browser’s address bar (at the top):

In the example, the URL is:

NOTE: DO NOT USE “https://&#8221; if that is the URL Google Sites creates. When you reference the Google-Sites-hosted stylesheet from your FBML box with the <link /> tag, CHANGE “https://&#8221; to “http://&#8221;. Otherwise, it won’t work.

Your URL will (unless Google changes something in the future) the same up the “/site/” but then will be your site’s name and the directory you created.

Just paste your stylesheet URL into your Static FBML box:

NOTE: Directory and file names are CASE SENSITIVE!

Hosting your images on Google Sites

Facebook requires that you host your images used in your Static FBML tabs on a Web server. In the past, we have recommended Photobucket’s image-hosting service but, for the purposes of hosting images and other files for your Facebook Fan Page, I think Google Sites is the better option. Photobucket has a limit on how many times your hosted images get “called” from their servers, where I don’t believe Google Sites has this limitation.

And if you’re already hosting your external stylesheet on Google Sites, it makes sense to host the images there, as well.



Centering: Auto-width Margins

This box is horizontally centered by setting its right and left margin widths to “auto”. This is the preferred way to accomplish horizontal centering with CSS, and works very well in most browsers with CSS2 support. Unfortunately, IE5/Win does not respond to this method – a shortcoming of that browser, not the technique.

There is a simple workaround. (A pause while you fight back the nausea induced by that word.) Ready? IE5/Win incorrectly applies the CSS “text-align” attribute to block-level elements. Declaring “text-align:center” for the containing block-level element (often the BODY element) horizontally centers the box in IE5/Win. There is a side effect of this workaround: the CSS “text-align” attribute is inherited, centering inline content. It is often necessary to explicitly set the “text-align” attribute for the centered box, counteracting the effects of the IE5/Win workaround. The relevant CSS follows.

About dogsmeat

_______she was wearing Eden and a robe

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